Counselling in Halifax – I can help with …

More pages will be added to this section over time.
Get in touch to find out how I can help you.

Become a Non-Smoker

Let Clinical Hypnotherapy help you to become a non-smoker.

  • Gain control.
  • Improve your health.
  • Save money.

Couples Counselling

Are you unhappy within your relationship?

If so, couples counselling could help.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Are you suffering from anxiety or panic attacks to the extent that your life is completely dominated and overwhelmed by your feelings?

Bereavement and Grief Counselling

Do you need help to cope with a bereavement or loss of a loved one?

Therapy for Depression

Do you think you are suffering from depression?

Highly Sensitive People

You may have felt different from other people for a long time and wondered why.

Trauma and PTSD

Do you need help to recover from trauma – emotional, psychological or sexual/physical trauma (which may have been with you for a very long time)? If so, I can help you.

Narcissistic Abuse

Do you need help to escape from narcissistic abuse within your relationship, help with recovery/healing after being in a relationship with a narcissist, or help in coping/managing within a relationship with a narcissistic partner? If so, I can help you.

Health Anxiety

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about having cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or any other serious health conditions? You are not alone. Find out more about how I can help you.


Do you have a sense of feeling more stressed and under pressure than you normally feel and have you, perhaps, noticed that you are feeling physical symptoms on a far more regular basis.  If so, I can help.

Work-related Stress and Burnout

We can all face pressure at work, regardless of our job title, experience on the job or our age. Sometimes pressure can motivate and make us more productive, but, too much pressure can become stressful. If this pressure goes on for too long, it can affect our happiness and quality of life, leaving us feeling physically and mentally unwell – and, possibly, leading to burnout.