Get in Touch
Please complete the contact form and I will reply as soon as possible.
Or you can call me for further details or to have an informal chat to discuss your situation in more detail:
M: 07913 979561
Appointments (each lasting 50 minutes) are available Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm, Saturday 11am to 5pm.
Copley Office
The Riverbank, 12 Copley Lane, Copley, Halifax HX3 0TT
My practice is based in a new and purpose-built studio, in the village of Copley, close to Halifax town centre. Here you will find an oasis of peace and quiet, where you can unburden yourself of anything that is causing you distress and unhappiness in any way.
I will help you, using the therapy which best meets your unique and individual needs.
There is free parking on my drive-way.
Dean Clough Office
Suite 210, Second Floor, Fearnley Mill, Dean Clough HX3 5AX
Fearnley Mill is right at the very end of the Dean Clough complex, nearest to Halifax Town Centre and there is a Pay and Display car park right next to the building. It is only £1.20 for an hour or just a short 5 minute walk from Halifax Bus Station.
Alternatively, if you drive right through Sainsbury’s car park to the very end of it, literally under North Bridge, there is a public Pay and Display car park which is only £1 for 2 hours and there is a short path leading down to the cobbled road right in front of Fearnley Mill.