I mainly work as an integrative therapist, which means that I treat each person as a completely unique individual and I use my own experience, knowledge and expertise to tailor the therapy to the client – not the client to the therapy.
Integrative therapists take the view that there is no single approach that can treat each client in all situations
This is why my counselling practice is called Creative Counselling, because I will work with you in the most creative way, using a combined approach, with the ultimate aim of helping you to resolve your problems and mental health issues, whatever they may be.
Very often, a client will have initial, presenting issues, but will reveal a great deal more in subsequent sessions, so my own practice takes into account the need to work with a client in developing situations, in the way that is most effective for them.
In addition to the above, I am a very experienced and successful Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, and, for some clients, this may be the best model of therapy.
Over the past 14 years, I have used Cognitive Behavioural Therapy very successfully to help clients with the following issues:
Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, self-harm, trauma, PTSD, phobias – including fear of driving (Vehophobia), stress, conflict, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anger Management, Generalised Anxiety Disorder

I am here to help you
Knowing that the pressures of life, a past or recent trauma, feelings of
meaningless or a sense of dissatisfaction with your life can leave you
feeling unhappy or disconnected from what you truly want from life
and who you want to be.
Location of my Practice & Free Parking
My practice is based in a new and purpose-built studio, in the village of Copley, close to Halifax town centre. Here you will find an oasis of peace and quiet, where you can unburden yourself of anything that is causing you distress and unhappiness in any way. I will help you, using the therapy which best meets your unique and individual needs. There is free parking on my drive-way.